When I first started to listen to some I Believes, I didn't really feel a connection to any. Yes, they were inspiring and some touching, but they didn't make me think, "Wow! I truly do believe in this". I finally decided to look for a totally different topic from the ones on my list. I searched for Happiness and Laughter. It sure wasn't something I deeply believed in, but I just clicked and waited for whatever was to come up. The first thing that popped out was some guy named Wayne Coyne, in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. I thought, "Oh well, I guess I must listen to it". The first thing he said was, "I believe that we are able to create our own happiness." Of course I was shocked to hear something that was a true belief I never thought I had deep, deep inside. So, I kept on listening; every word that man said brought back memories. It was so emotional...even though his experience wasn't similar to mine, I felt what he felt and I understood his belief. His story takes place in his car. While he was thinking of how good his life is, he spotted two people on the street, shivering. The first thing that came to his mind was, "Oh, poor people, cold on the street," but he realized they were sharing a joke and laughing. He then envied them. Yes, they were on the streets and cold, but they were joyful even though they didn't have shelter or food. He was amazed. They created their own happiness without any money or fancy possessions. I never thought the human person was able to create so much joy without even trying.